In his speech from this year’s Burgundy Forum, Portfolio Manager Doug Winslow draws inspiration from an iconic action hero to explore investing during a digital revolution.  As technology marches forward, Doug emphasizes staying grounded, investing in the present era, and avoiding the allure of hype. 


  • 03:15 – Sustainable competitive advantages (moats) and business economics matter.
  • 08:02 – In the technology space, platforms and ecosystems are some of the most important moats.
  • 16:16 – We don’t need to buy in on day one to do well.
  • 18:34 – Even though it tends to get the most attention, technology stocks aren’t the only place to find big winners.

For an alternate format, access the transcript via the “Download PDF” link at the top of this post. The transcript has been edited for clarity.


Doug Winslow

VP, Portfolio Manager for U.S. Equities

The Burgundy Forum is our flagship event, offering our clients the chance to hear directly from our Investment Team. Each year, we share our market perspective and discuss maintaining a long-term view in a short-term-focused world. In 2024, we celebrated the Forum’s 25th anniversary.

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