Guided by advice from the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, CIO Anne Mette de Place Filippini takes us down memory lane at the 25th anniversary of the Burgundy Forum. Reflecting on the past quarter century’s lessons, she reminds us that markets are not rational, imagination often sparks speculation, and valuations matter.  


  • 08:24: Sticking to a selling discipline can help avoid market minefields.
  • 12:42: Knowing when to do something and when to stand there.
  • 13:19: Adhering to a solid framework helps avoid getting caught in speculation.
  • 13:51: Staying disciplined doesn’t always mean standing still.
  • 15:51: Understanding that valuations matter.

For an alternate format, access the transcript via the “Download PDF” link at the top of this post. The transcript has been edited for clarity.

Anne Mette de Place Filippini

Anne Mette de Place Filippini

Senior Vice President,

Chief Investment Officer

The Burgundy Forum is our flagship event, offering our clients the chance to hear directly from our Investment Team. Each year, we share our market perspective and discuss maintaining a long-term view in a short-term-focused world. In 2024, we celebrated the Forum’s 25th anniversary.

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