The Value of Experience in an Information Age

The Value of Experience in an Information Age

The Journal | September 2012

A recent Financial Times article presents the opinion that, with the rise in information accessibility, it has become more difficult – or even impossible – for active managers to consistently beat...

Europe: Navigating the Storm (Part III)

Europe: Navigating the Storm (Part III)

The Journal | September 2012

In Part I I explained that we let the strong management of our great companies generate value for us over time, and in Part II that our returns are generated...

Time to Re-establish Trust

Time to Re-establish Trust

The Journal | August 2012

Investor optimism is at a low point due to a lack of confidence in the financial system, and the reasons for this are many and varied. From the financial crisis...

Europe: Navigating the Storm (Part II)

Europe: Navigating the Storm (Part II)

The Journal | August 2012

In Part I, I discussed how Burgundy has navigated the storm in Europe by owning great companies with strong profits, regardless of the macroeconomic scenario. In Part II I will...

Europe: Navigating the Storm

Europe: Navigating the Storm

The Journal | July 2012

Over the last 12 years, since launching the Burgundy European Equity Fund, the European market has declined by 1.6% per year, turning one dollar into $0.82 for the index investor,1 while our European...

Emotional Investing is Bad for your Wealth

Emotional Investing is Bad for your Wealth

The Journal | June 2012

Each year I visit my Alma Mater, the Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario, to teach a seminar to MBA students. It’s one of the...

Japan: One Year Later

Japan: One Year Later

The Journal | April 2012

It has been one year since the Great East Japan Earthquake. The earthquake and tsunami that followed killed over 15,000 people, rendered more than 320,000 homeless, and caused approximately US$200 bil...

Sources of Volatility in Equity Markets

Sources of Volatility in Equity Markets

The Journal | March 2012

Since the world financial crisis began in mid-2008, high-quality investments have greatly outperformed lower-quality ones. It hasn’t been a straight line outperformance by any means, given the bouts...

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