Creating the future most important to our clients is about delivering differentiated investment results and growing their capital over time. For Burgundy to succeed here, we need to take a long-term view. We apply this to how we invest, our stewardship of client relationships, the development of our people and our team, our ownership structure as a firm, and the overall management of our organization.

In our second Corporate Sustainability Report, we consider how this long-term thinking applies to some of Burgundy’s key initiatives around diversity, philanthropy, and the environment. We believe that by planning for the future and applying judgment, we are working towards delivering better long-term outcomes for our clients. Making better decisions along the way is the most dependable path to better outcomes, and making better decisions comes from deep context, accumulated wisdom, and diversity of perspective.

To this end, we have implemented several initiatives to support diversity at Burgundy. These include considering candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences in our recruiting process, providing training and resources to support the development of our diverse workforce, and implementing practices that support a more inclusive culture. We are also committed to supporting diversity in the communities in which we operate by supporting organizations and initiatives that promote diversity, including those who are, in turn, supported by our clients. In this year’s report, we elaborate our diversity work through two contributions: the first, authored by Robyn Ross, highlights our approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a company, while the second, authored by Mike Sandrasagra, highlights Burgundy’s client relationship with Neyaskweyahk Trust and Indigenous peoples.

“Making better decisions is the most dependable path to better outcomes, and making better decisions comes from deep context, accumulated wisdom, and diversity of perspective.”

We are committed to giving back to society through philanthropy and community involvement. Inspired by the generosity of our clients and Burgundy’s Co-Founders, Tony Arrell and Richard Rooney, this idea has become deeply entrenched at Burgundy. As a company, we believe in the importance of supporting the communities in which we operate and the causes important to our clients and our own people. Over the years, we have implemented several philanthropic initiatives to support this goal, including charitable giving and volunteering. In her contribution for this year’s report, Angela Bhutani shares more about these endeavours and offers an introduction into the Burgundy Legacy Foundation.

Finally, we are committed to environmental sustainability. As we continue to develop goals and strategies around measuring and reducing our carbon footprint, Julie Cordeiro’s contribution discusses how Burgundy’s Green Team is promoting eco-friendly action, both at home and at the office.

We are proud of the progress we have made in these areas, and excited to share our developments. True to Burgundy’s long-term mindset, we continue to work hard on these initiatives, among many others.

Thank you for your continued trust in us.

Robert Sankey, CFA
Chief Executive Officer



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