For foundations and endowments to be successful, they must be managed, sustained, and grown over the long term. However, long-term planning can be challenging, especially during periods of volatility and uncertainty. In this conversation, Richard Rooney and David Macdonald discuss how to successfully navigate today’s foundation and endowment landscape.

Key Points:

  • Disbursement policies and ensuring stable payouts
  • Asset allocation in the short, medium, and long term
  • The use of special funds for specific purposes
  • Structuring an investment committee
  • Approaches to fundraising

For an alternate format, access the transcript via the “Download PDF” link at the top of this post. The transcript has been edited for clarity.
The Q&A period can be found within the transcript only.

Richard Rooney

Richard Rooney, CFA, FCPA


Vice Chair and Co-Founder,

Burgundy Asset Management

David Macdonald

David Macdonald


Co-Founder and Managing Partner,

Glencoban Capital Management

Kimberly Nemeth

Kimberly Nemeth, CFA


Institutional Relationship Manager,

Burgundy Asset Management


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