In this conversation, Doug Winslow, Vice President and Portfolio Manager of U.S. equities, looks back at what has been a roller coaster of a year so far. Alongside Vice President and Senior Institutional Relationship Manager Paul Buligan, the two discuss value investing in today’s environment of disruptive technology and macro uncertainty. Amid the challenges of an ongoing pandemic and the uncertainties of an upcoming presidential election, Doug offers insight into what he is noticing in this geography. Please enjoy this thoughtful exploration into Burgundy’s investment approach.

Highlights of the session include:
  • 01:18: Managing a portfolio in an ‘unprecedented’ world
  • 13:40: The impact of interest rates on valuations and the associated risks
  • 17:40: Barriers to entry in an era of technological disruption
  • 25:28: Looking at investment styles in 2020: value vs. growth
  • 29:59: Thoughts on the upcoming U.S. presidential election
  • 35:14: What excites us about the portfolio

For an alternate format, access the transcript via the “Download PDF” link at the top of this post. The transcript has been edited for clarity.


Doug Winslow, CFA

Vice President, Portfolio Manager


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