David made his first “investment” in Grade 6 of elementary school when he bought a Scyther Pokemon card for $0.25, which he promptly sold for $0.50 the following day. Since the beginning of his career, he’s been trying (unsuccessfully) to replicate that rate of return.

David was born in China and educated in North America. This rich background leads him to be motivated every day to delve into the dynamic economies of Emerging Asia. He looks forward to researching and analyzing prospective investments that are in line with Burgundy’s quality/value investment philosophy.

Burgundy Experience

  • Joined Burgundy in 2020

Relevant Experience

  • 10+ years of combined professional experience
  • Experience includes positions at: Causeway Capital Management, StackLine Partners, TD Asset Management


  • CFA Charterholder
  • MBA (Value Investing Program), Columbia Business School
  • Bachelor of Commerce, University of Toronto

Memberships and Community

  • Member, CFA Institute


Drawing Parallels

Drawing Parallels

The Journal | December 2022

In our latest Journal, Investment Analyst David Hao draws parallels between Korea and China and considers how comparative research allows for more informed investment decisions. Key Points: Studying K...

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