We are excited to announce the Burgundy Legacy Foundation’s Private Giving Program. The Program provides a simple and convenient platform to support your philanthropic needs and interests.

A Private Giving Fund (Donor Advised Fund, or “DAF”) gives you the flexibility to decide what to donate and when, as you create a legacy for you and your family. DAFs are an increasingly popular option for philanthropic individuals and families who may find the set-up, ongoing governance, and reporting duties of a private foundation too onerous, or who already have a foundation but need an additional giving vehicle to accomplish the full range of their goals.

A DAF held with the Burgundy Legacy Foundation provides additional advantages, including:

  1. DAF assets would be invested in the Burgundy Balanced Foundation Fund, applying Burgundy’s investment approach, with the goal of preserving and growing the capital over time.
  2. Management fees applied on DAF assets would recognize your family’s assets held with Burgundy (“fee grouping”). Doing so would help reduce management fees charged for the DAF and help increase the long-term growth of endowed funds.
  3. A relatively low administrative fee of $1,000 per year.

To learn more, please visit www.burgundylegacyfoundation.com.

Philanthropy Resources:

Rays of sunlight shining through trees

Giving Together: Considerations for Philanthropic Families

A forest of trees

Selecting the Right Charitable Giving Vehicle

Private foundations vs. donor-advised funds

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